Friday, February 11, 2011

Cancun is right around the corner....

Matt and I are leaving to Cancun in about 4 days. We are leaving little Dallin with Mama Jones. I have never even left Dal over night so this might be interesting. I want to go have a fun time but also want my little man to know I love him and that mommy isn't abandoning him. I feel like he is too young to understand how much I will miss him and think about him every day that I am gone. I know Dianne will do a great job with him though. He will probably be super spoiled when I get back cuz I know she is planning on taking him out to do a bunch of fun things.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Cute things Dallin says!

This morning Dallin woke up and snuggled me in bed. He looked up at me and said, "cool nose mom," and then "cool eyes mom," and then "Cool wips(lips) mom," and everytime i would smile and say thankyou he would name another part of my face and say how cool it was. It melted my heart. He talks so much now. I want to start posting things he says more so I can remember when he is older. Another thing he says when I ask him if he wants mommy to have a baby is, "Yeah! A baby sista. And a puppy too!" It is so cute. I love it.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'm one of those moms!

So a few weeks ago I did something that really opened my eyes. It not only made me feel like a flustered mom but made me question my stress level. Or maybe when I am hungry I just do crazy things. Not really sure what came over me that day. So Dallin has been potty training. He actually rarely messes up going #1 now. So I was in PA running errands with my friend Katty which gets a little nerve racking when you have two children in your car that are impatient and your all hungry. We decided to split a meal at olive garden since it was getting pretty late and we didn't think we would have time to cook when we got home cause it was close to the children's bed time. While we were waiting to be seated Dal told me he had to go potty. So I took him into the bathroom walked straight to the back stall since it is always the largest one, making it easier to wrestle between elbows and clothes while trying to get your toddler on the toilet seat before he messes all over you..... Dal finished and as we were headed out I caught a glance of something I have never seen before in a women's restroom. Thats because it wasn't! I thought to my self, "Why the heck is there urinals in the women's restrooms?" That's when I realized where I was and how lucky I was that I didn't have a very uncomfortable confrontation with a man in there. I did get a couple of weird looks I think tho on the way out. So yeah, I am officially one of those moms that gets so frazzled that she doesn't even notice the urinals till she is on her way out of the bathroom. Pretty Crazy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dal acting like his daddy!

So I am trying to catch up on a few weeks of photo's now that I have my camera working. Thats why I am publishing so many pics and posts all on the same day. I just love how Dallin photographs tho so I just have to post as many pics as I can before I get behind.

One of my favorite things Dallin started doing recently is copy the way matt hold his work folder when he is leaving for the day. Matt always puts it under his arm so he can hug us with his other arm and say good bye. So one day Dallin picked up a book and put it under his arm and walked to the door and said bye bye. It was so adorable and now he does it all the time. The other day Matt left his binder down and Dal was playing with it. Here are the pics.

Matt never forget how much he notices and how much he wants to be like you!

One of Dallin's favorite things to do is take baths. He almost always takes 2 baths a day and sometimes 3. I know most mom's reading this probably think that I am crazy for letting him take that many, I know my sister Des would, but he loves them and sometimes we get bored so its a time filler. He usually kicks all around and the floor is drenched after 5 minutes. This time he just relaxed after a long day in the pool and playing out side. He is so adorable. I love these pics.

So I have been making these really cute flowers for my hair, to clip on to a hat or a bag or really just for anything. I have been wanting to show my sisters them cause I plan on making their little girls some. Here are a few that I have made. The pink material is for the flower I plan on making for Deseree's little girls.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dallin gets an A for 2 days in a row for going Potty!

So Dallin hasn't messed up at all in the last 2 days. Given he hasn't pooped in two days either. Usually he messes up when he poops. He hasn't learned how to go poo poo in the potty yet. He is learning really fast tho. My mom and I were talking on the phone today and she said that I wet the bed till I was like 5 or 6. I think it might be easier for boys to hold their blatters cause their pee has further to travel!:)
So matt hasn't had a sale since friday and it is wednesday. That makes it almost a week. It is so hard when he doesn't get sales cause we really want another baby but we can't afford to get insurance. I also need to get my IUD out but I need insurance for that so it is kind of crazy. I had a dream last night that I had triplets. They were all boys! ha ha.... I want a girl really bad and pray all the time that she is waiting up there for me. I love boys tho and would be happy with either one. I get so baby hungry but when things are so tight I just don't know how its going to all work out. I keep praying and asking the Lord to help pave the way for our family to grow. Its hard when I don 't know the Lords plan but I know he will provide a way. He always does.
Matt is also back and forth about the whole baby thing. I wish he would commit cause I know its going to happen no matter what so in my mind I think we might as well just do it. I am at home all day anyways being a mom.
Today it rained all day. Actually I mean it Poured all day. It is suppose to be summer. what is up with that! I want to go swimming so hopefuly the wheather clears up. Plus Matt has to knock all day in the rain and comes home soaked at night. He works so hard. I know it is really hard for him when he doesn't get sales. Keep it up baby!